As for the comments being closed on the original post, I think I'll reopen them. I had several very negative comments as well as some emails verbally attacking me. It upset me to be bashed on my own blog, so I turned the comments off. Since then I've gotten several wonderful emails and messages on Twitter and I feel badly that those being positive had no way to comment. So, I'm going to reopen the comments. I only request that we all stay civil.
Thanks to all my wonderful readers! You are all special folks!

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. So sorry to hear about your troubles with Wal Mart. It is not my favorite store either. I am glad that some steps have been taken to help out the situation. Good luck on getting the book on time!
Great that this nice man called you and is going to help! It's like God is lending you a helping hand through this guy!
thanks for dropping by.
Waiting for another update! :-) Please tell me it all worked out ok!?
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