There are many benefits to wearing your baby in a ergo baby carrier. It is easier on your back than repeatedly lifting the baby up and down. Babies are happiest when swaddled up and held close next to mom, so they really enjoy the comfort of a sling. As I mentioned before, slings allow you to snuggle baby, yet keep your hands free to do other things. Baby slings allow your little one to be up where they can see what you are doing and what is going on around them, which they really enjoy. Baby slings also make nursing very easy and discreet. Another great thing about baby slings is they are much easier to handle "out and about" than a stroller or traditional baby carrier, since you are just wearing the baby rather than lugging baby and extra equipment around. As you can see, there are many benefits to baby wearing.
There are many styles of baby slings, wraps, and baby carriers available. You are sure to find a style and fashion that is just perfect for you! I you or someone you know is expecting, I urge you to check into baby slings. They make a wonderful gift and are a baby must have in my opinion.

SAVING is good.
I've never ever used a baby sling!lol I just always thought I'd hate it!
I once rigged up a sling for my little sister using a bed sheet. Lol. A lot of people stopped to stare on that walk!
I tried e-mailing you but don't think it worked...
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