Image via Wikipedia
Bed bugs are no fun to have and not easy to get rid of on your own. They cause itching, scratching, rashes and just general discomfort. You can pick them up in numerous places such as college dorms, hotels, summer camps, pretty much anywhere that numerous people come and go to sleep. They are masters at hiding in mattresses and bedding, so eliminating a bed bug infestation can be quite tricky. I highly suggest letting the professionals handle it. A reputable company like Orkin can get rid of these little critters for you and save you the hassle of doing it on your own.
Have you ever had bed bugs? If so, where did you get them? How did you get rid of them? I'd like to hear about your experiences with these itchy little creatures.

i haven't had them but my friend's husband had them when they where having to stay in a hotel for a while.
My husband frequently travels on business and he brought them home once. It was awful!
We had to have the bedroom completely redone and have the pest control people over to spray. Ugh!
Now I always check in hotel rooms and my hubby's luggage never comes into the house!
Bugggggssss are grosssssss!
Hope you experienced a wonderfully fantastic Tuesday!
Hiya! I was here! :) blog roll visit time! ^_^
I haven't had them before and would not want to have one at home since I have a 2 year old daughter...
Honestly, I don't even know what bed bugs look like... I think I'm heading to check it out on Google....
Maricel --- Momhood Moments
this summer while checking out hotels for vacation i read of several that had bed bug problems
i would hate to have them
how do you know if you do?
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