The yummy cupcakes above where made with the mix & icing she sent me. It's the only pic I got before my camera croaked. Anyway, she also sent me a beautiful red bracelet, Starbucks chocolates, corn on the cob holders, adorable little magnets, a great book, some yummy smelling candles, some lovely note cards and just a bunch of great stuff! I truly loved it all! Thanks so much Lori!
And thanks Mamarazzi, your swaps are the best!

That icing looks so yumyy. I am an icing-aholic. Don't you just love to feel sugar coursing through your veins? LOL
Hope you experienced a wonderfully fantastic Tuesday!
w such a bummer that you were not able to capture more pictures ESPECIALLY since i know for a fact that Lori puts together such amazing and thoughtful packages. she is awesome...the cupcakes look yum but seriously everything she sent sounds fabulous!!
blows the diet but loved eating the cupcakes
You had cupcakes? I didn't get any. They looked good, sob, sob,
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