A Go, Go, Go Day

20 August 2009

Dr. Schreiber of San Augustine giving a typhoi...Image by The Library of Congress via

Yesterday was quite a busy day. My grandmother came over, taking 10 week old puppies to the vet. We left the doggies, then took my kiddos to the doctor for shots. They were out of two of the vaccines they needed, so Tristen got one shot and we still need to get them more. Then it was off to lunch, dropping off prescriptions, shopping, picking up prescriptions, then more errands. We went and picked up the puppies, then Nanny dropped us off here. We arrived home to news that Lynette's DH was in the ER with a possible heart attack, so that got me really worried. Then we sorted out the school supplies to take them to meet the teacher night. Grandma called needing us to watch CG's little sister for

12 Lead ECG EKG showing ST Elevation (STEMI), ...Image via Wikipedia

awhile, so we did that and didn't make it to the school. Ashley is sure the fact we missed meeting her teacher means that they won't let her in on Monday. I assured her that I would force them to take her, lol. Then it was grocery shopping, dinner, conversation, tucking in kids, watching Hell's Kitchen with Dan, then finally crashing. I feel like it was go, go, go all day long!

As of this morning, Lynette's DH is still in the hospital, but her seems to be doing well and sounds really good. The kids are doing their chores without being asked, which iss super nice. I don't feel so harried and overwhelmed for a change. So, let's hope the day keeps going well.

Wishing you all a fantastic day!


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