Do you ever "parent" your husband? I've been guilty of this. In fact he has looked at me a and told me "I am not a child!" The thing is that I don't realize I'm doing it. Since most of my interaction is with the kids, I guess I just fall into the mom role and stay there. This is not such a great thing for a marriage.
In his new book Have A New Husband By Friday, Dr. Kevin Leman urges us to take a step back and rethink our interactions with our husbands. He takes through simple to apply principles which will change the way you relate to and communicate with your husband. None of it is earth shatteringly new information, but things we need to be reminded of laid out in simple terms. He talks about us meeting our husband's needs and when we do so it is much more likely our own needs will be fulfilled.
Full of thought provoking questions, letters from real wives, and tons of useful information, this is a must read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and think it will have a positive effect on mine and Dan's relationship. I think this is a great one for all wives, especially those with kiddos at home.
“Available October 2009 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

yeah like me and john feel like. he sees to my needs and i see to his thus we are both cared for. important for us to have time with each other every day weather it be watching a show or laying in bed talking. that hand holding time that just comes natural. like you and dan at jake & dots the other day.
Boy! I definitely need to get that book! Even though I know what I need to do, sometimes it takes seeing it in print to re-enforce it. Thanks! I'm gonna keep a look out for that one.
When we were early married, I saw a woman COUNTING at her husband. The 1-2-3 thing like you would do to a little kid (if you were a really bad parent). I was horrified. Since then I've tried to watch it.
I've thought I should write a book about how to improve your marriage all by yourself. In my experience, it started with "stop being a nagging, crying, complaining bitch". Once I got that under wraps, things started falling into place.
For anyone reading the comments - Leman is awesome. His videos on raising kids are a MUST SEE. I'll have to check out this book.
Looks like a great book to check out.
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