Image by Lst1984 via Flickr
I am telling you this because I want to apologize. I feel like I've not done right by my blog readers and I am sorry. I hope to be back to my old self soon. All I can say is I am trying to get it back together, because it felt like my life was falling apart. Thanks for sticking with me!
I have lots of good reviews and giveaways coming up, plus posts on doing the holidays without breaking the bank, and of course stuff about life here in Podunk. I look forward to getting back into Ramblings and reconnecting with my readers. I may also write about trying to regain control of my home, and well my life while battling depression. If there's anything else y'all would like to see me write about, just leave me a comment or email me at nessa(at)texashousewife(dot)com

I hate that you are going thru that... I know all too well how it can affect all aspects of your life and make you feel worthless... just remember we all read your blog for a reason, because we like you, we really like you... I have neglected my blog and some other aspectsof my own life lately, BUT I am holding on and trying to regain my life and I KNOW you will too... hope yoiu feel better soon...
lots of love, Jennie a.k.a. Jenerbug
Hey Nessa! I know you've got Lynette and probably lots of other friends to talk to, but sometimes I found when I'm in "my moods", it's somehow easier to talk to somone that I'm not too close to and who can be objective and a sounding board instead of giving advice. Call if you want to talk. Also, don't forget to leave your prayer request on my blog.
Se ya in the AM!
Love ya!
Girl I know how you feel, I am coming out of my funk trying to get my life back together. I would to get together with you sometime and talk.
Don't add worrying about it to your list.
You are doing all of the right things.
Just do the next right one and it will all fall into place.
You do not owe us anything. Don't worry about us. Take care of YOU!
Hi! I do know what you are going through. I have suffered from depression since I was a child. I can go for a while and then it is back. At that point,there is no energy to do normal activities. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband that picks up when I get in my "funk". I have recently started blogging and am hoping for friends and space to talk. what I do is get involved in activities that require me to leave my house and interact with others. Coaching Odyssey of the Mind has helped during the winter months. I will pray for you and hope you feel better soon.
thinking of you during this time.
ive been a subscriber for a few months and really enjoy your emails.
take care of yourself.. and your family. one thing at a time.
I'm sorry, hun.
I went through a two-year period of depression where all I ever wanted to do was sleep, I completely understand your situation.
Glad to see you're getting out of it though.
Great blog, by the way. I'm following.
I agree with the others. Take care of yourself first, here. Been depressed myself, so I know it can be hard. Reach out to friends as much as possible--I know even that is hard. But it does help. I have to call out to God to help me through it at times, even though I'm on meds. Do what you can. We'll still be here.
I do know what you are going through, you are absolutely not alone. How you can stare at your husband for five minutes before you realize he and the kids are in the room, how they could love you and you immediately panic about the future, or even feel they are doing it out of pity. I truly do know. And I also know that motivation for something is good for you, all of your followers that love your blog will still be here when you get back. Please feel free to email me if you want to just talk, or even if you don't necessarily want a response but just want to get it all out and know someone hears it. Take care of yoruself.
us missing CURVES did not help too!
time for us to cinch up the belts, look at our diets and pull in that sunshine. Use Sat to do the ol spit and polish on the house. Make the kitchen shine and cook a wonderful meal for Saturday night. Bet you will feel like a million for the accomplishment!
Love you dear and thanks for filling in as second wife yesterday!
You will pull our of this and admitting this to all of us was a big step I know because I have been there more than once. Thing will happen gradually so just remember that. Everyone will wait on you. You just get better and we will still be here besides I just found you blog and I am here now!
You have an award waiting for you at
I just said a prayer for you. I'm looking forward to reading your Christmas ideas! I hope things get better.
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