I was very excited about reading and reviewing this book. In ways I really enjoyed it. The author shares much about her personal struggles, faith, and doubts. In fact, she says at one point that the book is written for an audience that is in doubt because they cannot feel God. I've been there myself, have struggled with my faith and wondered where God is. Why isn't He with me when I most need Him. It was nice to read about someone else having the same struggles and questions, and how they overcame those doubts to find a wonderful relationship with God. I enjoyed reading A.J. Gregory's story. She managed to keep me laughing, even when dealing with such a serious subject. She did a great job of covering subjects that many people are hesitant to discuss with other believers.
There are some points that I did not agree with. Even when I was somewhat lost in my faith, I never raged against God. There is a part of the book that she says something along the lines of you can yell and complain to God if need be, but not to give up your search for Him. I agree we should never give up on our search for a deeper relationship with our Lord, but I feel that we are to be more reverent than yelling and complaining at him. This bothered me quite a bit.
The book is great for those who feel that God has abandoned them. It gives you hope and lets you know you are not alone in your feelings. All in all, it was a good book and probably a nice addition to your book shelf.

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