Image by krystal.pritchett via Flickr
Recently I've received a couple of strange phone calls from the school.
School: Mrs. Nessa? I am calling about Ashley again. She simply must wear a bra to school.
Me: Yes ma'am I understand that. She has been wearing her bra.
School: Ashley has come to school bra-less the past two days.
Me: Excuse me? (I'm thinking at this point that I checked the kid before she left the house, they must have the wrong girl!)
School: She has not been wearing a bra the past two days. I would think you would pay closer attention.
Me: (Getting really irritated now) Of course I pay attention to how my daughter is dressed when she leaves here. I assure you she has worn a bra everyday this week.
School: Are you implying that I am lying? I do not appreciate the accusation or your tone Mrs. Nessa.
Me: (Thinking they haven't even begun to hear my "tone" yet) I will look in to this matter immediately. I am sure there is a logical explanation.
School: See that you do! (Then the woman hung up on me!)
There was a good explanation. Little Miss goes to the bathroom as soon as she get to school and ditches the bra. Then she puts it back on before she gets on the bus. She is such a mischievous thing! But, at least I know what she's doing.
The thing is, I am at a loss as to what to do about this. Her bras fit well, are cute, and she says the are comfortable. Why oh why won't she keep them on?! The answer "I don't want to". Lovely. I mean, they aren't my favorite piece of clothing either, but I feel naked without mine. Do any of you wise mamas have any advice for me? I am about to pull my hair out!

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Oh Nessa, What are we parents going to do. I can't wait to have a teenage daughter. Just can't wait:)
I remember when I first started wearing a bra I just didn't like it. Do you think an undershirt would be an acceptable alternative?
I didn't realize that a bra was part of a school dress code. lol Is it in the handbook? If not I wouldn't be overly concerned, maybe she is just doing it because you tell her to wear one. I personally hate wearing a bra, but I wear it faithfully anyway.
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Hey Nessa, if her "cup" size isn't too noticeable, and it's just that certain things seem to "pertrude" do what I do. If I wear a bra that is a soft cup and things poke through for lack of a more delicate way of wording, I use band-aids. It will do one of two things. Make the school happy that she isn't showing things and make her happy about not wearing a bra, or (2) make her realize that wearing a bra doesn't hurt as much as peeling the band-aids off at night-time or bath-time. Just a thought. No parenting experience, just first-hand "band-aid" cover-ups.
Love ya!
Oh Nessa, as a mother of 3 girls. They all couldn't wait to grow up and wear a bra, it was a huge mile-stone for them. However, I'm a bit of a rebel and think that unless your daughter is really busty I don't see the big deal. Like what Becca said maybe an undershirt or a sportsbra where she may feel a little more comfortable. Ask her, let her know about the phone calls and see what kind of a comprimise you can come to. Good luck!
Is it part of the school dress code that she wear a bra, other wise they have no right to complain. I went to high school with girls who didn't wear bras that were obivious B almost C cups and the school never said anything. Has she tried cami's with built in shelf bras?
I recently found your blog and have enjoyed reading the latest posts. This one makes me afraid for my 2 year-old daughter to get any older!
Another post about your daughter wearing glasses leads me think that someone at school is teasing her about the new wardrobe addition. Maybe you can find a way to let her know that you want her to be comfortable and that by telling you what the problem is you will be able to help her better?
But regardless, unless there is some written school policy about when girls should start wearing bras I think the school is crossing the line to call you on this.
Parenting is so tough--wishing you the best on all fronts (hehe)!
I have had trouble finding comfortable yet supportive sports bras and I absolutely love this bra! I ended up buying it in all 3 colors.
I would recommended playtex bras 4738
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