HEB/ConAgra Meal Maker Challenege Prize Pack Giveaway

30 July 2010

As part of the HEB/ConAgra Back-to-School Meal Maker Challenge, I have some great swag to share with my readers! Keep reading for your chance to win a great prize pack which contains:
  • A reusable ConAgra shopping tote
  • $25 HEB gift card
  • Peter Pan peanut butter
  • 4 - pack Snack Pack Pudding
  • Healthy Choice Fresh Mixer
  • LaChoy Creation
  • LaChoy Sauce
  • Chef Boyardee
  • Hunt's Ketchup
  • Marie Callender's Homestyle Creation
Be aware that HEB is not a national chain, so you may not have one near you. You can use the gift card at Central Market stores. But, if you are out of state, you may be unable to use the gift card, so you could pass it on to a friend or something.

I will be giving away five of these total, one every week. So, how can you win the first one? Leave me a comment telling me your favorite lunch to pack for the kiddos.

Want an extra entry? Follow me on Twitter (@Nessa_TX) and tweet this: Check out the #HEBack2School Meal Maker Challenge with @Nessa_TX and win a $50 @HEB & @ConAgraFoods prize package! http://ow.ly/2j2vf

Leave a comment for each entry & include the link to your tweet if you do so. Entry deadline is 8/6/10 at 8:00pm CST. I will email the winner on 8/7/10. Good luck y'all!

**Disclaimer:As part of the Meal Maker Challenge, I received compensation, ConAgra products, and H-E-B promotional items from H-E-B and ConAgra for myself and my readers.**



lynette355 said...

Lunch to pack for kiddos.....dang been so long. But College Girl loved lunchables. You would think I had given her the best food ever.


mine is any sandwich but they like anything one of my daughters likes a sald with spich leaves and chicken from the night beofre and tomatoes- she also freezes yogurt and has that- anothe like pb and fresh fruit- on italian bread- I know I have some weird ones but they eat healthy so I do not compalin

lynette355 said...

tweet tweet here it is

TexasBobbi said...

I always enjoyed fresh fruit in my lunch.

birrrd said...

I love to cut out my daughters sandwich with a cookie cutter, add some pretzels, some fruit and of course a little sweet treat!

ms-texas said...

i haven't packed a lunch for quite some time since my kiddo is 21 now!
but a sandwich is one of the easist things to pack for a lunch


ms-texas said...




Denise S. said...

I like to pack PB&J sandwiches, chips, and a Hostess cupcake or Twinkie for dessert.

Denise S. said...

Follow on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/lazybones344/status/19991077158

julis55 said...


buzzd said...

Grapes and those chicken strip things that are already cooked and ready to eat.

lsfish said...

When they were of the age I packed lunches, they loved just pb and j, chips and fruit

Pat said...

My kids are grown now, but they loved PB&J sandwiches, chips and Little Debbie Nutty Bars

5webs said...

Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, Lay's Potato Chips, and Oreo Cookies.
Alicia Webster

Unknown said...

Lunchables with fruit, and fruit roll ups.
I follow you on twitter and retweeted the contest.

cstironkat said...

Alison likes crunch peanut butter on a sesame seed or cinnamon raisin bagel. She also likes bananas, grapes and string cheese. A dark chocolate granola bar rounds out the menu.

llinda29 said...

ham sandwich and chips

Anonymous said...

My kids love pita sandwiches with a variety of veggies inside!

Anonymous said...

following and tweeted!

EDRing said...

I usually make my granddaughter a turkey sandwich, she loves the Deli select smoked turkey. She gets a small bag of chips, I usually buy the variety pack of ind. chips. I always put fruit, apple or grapes & her milk.


Kia89 said...

I like to pack PB&J sandwiches.

OlyveOyl said...

My lunches consist of their current likes - a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich cut in 4 triangles and one bologna, mayo and potato chip sandwich cut in two triangles. YUM to both!

delphiandreams said...

Either tunafish or those smuckers PB&J uncrustables.


Anonymous said...

my daughter loves when i put pizza rolls in a thermos and she nukes them at school!

Anonymous said...


(I hope I linked that right!)

Heidi V said...

I like to for them to eat carrots and cereal of course they love the lunchables.

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Jean said...

They like meat without bread, fruit, cookies

Deborah said...

I like to roll up a slice of meat, cheese and veggies (like a wrap but no bread) for the kiddie's lunch (and mine lol). asthenight at gmail dot com

Deborah said...

I follow you on twitter; http://twitter.com/AsTheNight/status/20066398894.

PAIGE said...

Peanut butter and jelly on wheat, chips, and an orange,

Steve Capell said...

Peanut Butter and Jelly is always a winner. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.


McKim said...

Ham and cheese sandwich, sliced apple and oatmeal cake.

Faither said...

pnut butter and jelly sandwiches

sphinx63 said...

Fruit salad, peanut butter and jelly. Thanks!

sphinxcw at aol dot com

hity88 said...

My kids (when they were kids) liked PB & J sandwiches. I like liverworst, tomato and mustard sandwiches.

A Small Dose of Common Sense said...

PB&J sandwiches with BBQ chips inside. Yes, yummy and crunchy!

Unknown said...

Peanut butter and Strawberry jelly sandwich with a banana and oreos

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

wcc said...

Ham (or Turkey) and cheese sandwich and fruits. Thanks for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

wcc said...

I'm following you on twitter (@whitechocolatec) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/20205445864

Unknown said...

My granddaughter always wants a PB&J sandwich, a juice box and grapes in her lunchbox.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Leslie said...

My favorite lunch to pack is a salad with grilled chicken or turkey on top.

Leslie said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/lprice79/status/20228044724

Jenn S. said...

My kids love grilled chicken salad, a fruit (usually grapes) and a cheese stick.

krstrpp said...

The kids (including hubby) like PB&J, carrot sticks, string cheese, and anything sweet. Thanks for the chance to win the fun prize pack! (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)

loni broesch said...

Chicken wraps are a nice easy lunch

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

tesashel said...

I like to pack bologna or PB&J sandwiches, because I know he's sure to eat them. No use putting in veggies - he would chunk those, so usually it's chips or cookies.

tesashel said...

Following U on Twitter: tesashel and tweeted about the great HEB contest here: http://twitter.com/tesashel/statuses/20253079942

hmmmm1977 said...

I like to make a homemade lunch kit... with crackers and deli thick sliced turkey and cheese. I cut them out with small cookie cutters put them in containers. That is lunch once a week and the girls really like that day.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My sons favorite is Mini Ravioli, a small side salad,grapes and cookies for dessert.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.


Erica C. said...

They prefer pb&j, fruit chunks, and an apple sauce cup.

Jessica H said...

pudding packs and pickles weird huh lol

Anonymous said...

Typically it would be a peanut butter sandwich, chips, and a cookie.

Jennifer Neal said...

Turkey sandwich with an apple and some goldfish crackers!

Anonymous said...

I love to pack my kids healthy options, with a fun twist! Like pb on celery with raisis (ants on a log)
a healthy sandwhich with a face made of veggies :) they love it.

Anonymous said...

following you on twitter

Anonymous said...


Check out the #HEBack2School Meal Maker Challenge with @Nessa_TX and win a $50 @HEB & @ConAgraFoods prize package! http://ow.ly/2j2vf

mogrill said...

My daughter likes PB & J Sandwich, Grapes,Pudding, 100 calorie Snack pack and Baby Carrots with a Capri Sun.
Thanks for the chance.

taylorbagels said...

roasted turkey sandwich, fruit and nuts

taylorbagels said...

Following you on Twitter (id- electricisland) & tweeted!


Shawn said...

I have to admit that both of my kids really love Lunchables and it sure makes an easy lunch to pack.


rah267 said...

higgs.rachel at gmail.com
HEB has a great selection of products.
I like to put fresh veggies, juice and ham and swiss on wheat bread sandwich.

Jessilyn82 said...

My daughters love applesauce, grapes, and string cheese

Jessilyn82 said...

I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82 and tweeted


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I like to pack yogurt, and cut up fruit, veggies, and cheese.

stormraven at gmail dot com

mandala said...

Grilled chiken sandwich, fruit(banana, apple or oranges), yogurt and mixed nuts (almonds, pecans,cashew).

mandalarctic at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

I like to pack cut up fruit, & a turkey and swiss sandwich

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

i follow you on twitter c5519 and tweeted


nblexp at gmail dot com

Jennifer said...

I like to pack peanut butter and crackers and celery with cream cheese.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Hotsnotty2 said...

I love packing lunchables, my kids are ecstatic when they get them and its super easy for me, thanks for the chance!


Tracysweetangl said...

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were my favorite.


Cathy W said...

Mine are grown and gone, but if memory serves me right PB&J was a staple.
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

Cathy W said...

Follow on twitter (@cjwallace43)

Lesley said...

My older son loves Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, fresh watermelon & strawberries or a fruit cup and string cheese.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Lesley said...

Following you on twitter and just tweeted


susansmoaks said...

i pack a sandwich, go-gurt, baby carrots, and strawberries for desert.

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like to pack a ham sandwich with fresh fruit and a slice of cake. garrettsambo@aol.com

Lana said...

We homeschool but still pack lunches for on the go...
We like these sandwiches...



Blessings to you,
Lana at ilovemy5kids

js22 said...

peanut butter sandwich(no jelly), yogurt, fruit, and a juicebox, and maybe a cookie or two.

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

i follow on twitter - js22222222 .
tweet: http://twitter.com/js22222222/status/20477840302
email in blogger profile.

Unknown said...

My son likes the same thing every day! I pack a ham sandwich, just plain, bread and ham. I pack a cookie and chips and a bottled water.

Unknown said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/status/20478170373

I love HEB!

Lana said...

Here is my link:

Lana at ilovemy5kids

susan1215 said...

My kids like ham sandwiches, yogurt and chips

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...


faithfullyfrugal said...

My children love sandwiches cut into little squares (crust cut off). They love fruit and cheese snacks.

Thank you for the entry,

Nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted giveaway,


Thank you again,

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

Stephanie Grant said...

I like to pack a turkey and cheese wrap and a jell-o snack pack and a half of an orange or apple slices.

Stephanie Grant said...

I follow you on Twitter @sgrant2005 and tweet:

Unknown said...

I pack a salad with homemade dressing, yogurt, fruit and veggies. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Amy delong said...

my son likes peanut butter/marshmellow sandwich,yogurt&some sort of snack!

Marissa said...

She loves anything chicken with apple slices juice random chips and cookies. Thanks for the chance to win :)

cman said...

Nutella sandwiches.

Unknown said...

My favorite lunch to pack for them is pita, hummus, carrots and celery with a cheese stick and some rolled up roast beef. Their favorite lunch is left over raviolis (we make them from scratch so it's REALLY rare we have any left over)

saebbe at gmail dot com

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Our favorite is peanut butter and jelly, an apple, a granola bar, and some juice.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


follow on twitter and tweeted

Betty C said...

My children are beyond the age of lunched packed by me but they always wanted PB&J, chips, fruit and milk.

Betty C said...

I follow on Twitter and tweeted

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

My daughter likes peanut butter and jelly so that's our normal lunch.