In honor of The Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Giveaway Carnival, I am having my first giveaway. The prize is The Couponizer!

It includes:
The Couponizer™ - wire bound booklet
Your Guide to Smart Savings
CoupStacker - presorting mat
Shopping List
CoupTracker - record monthly savings
Carrying Bag
This is great for all the coupon shoppers out there, from the seasoned to the newbie.
Entering is simple. Just leave me a comment and you are entered. If you subscribe to my feed, blog about this giveaway with a link back to here, or add me to your blog roll, you'll earn 5 more entries. If you did all of the above you'd have 16 chances to win!
I will draw a winner on August 4th. Please be sure you leave me a way to contact you. I will contact the winner on August 4th and they will have three days to respond. If I have not heard from them by then. a new winner will be drawn.
Giveaway is open to both bloggers and nonbloggers. USA residents only.
Click here or the button at the top of the post to see all the great giveaways at the carnival!
I am an avid coupon user, and this would make everything so much simpler! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Ooh! I've been couponing for a few months now and have been looking for a good means to keep track, etc. This would be a wonderful win. Great giveaway!
Wow with gas prices and food prices going up, I've started couponing and hitting every deal I can find. Thsi will help me to get more organized about it.
What a great giveaway!! I have subscribed and added you to my google reader and you are on my blog roll. tiffanyjohnson0@gmail.com
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Come check out my giveaway, too:
I need this to get my coupons in order! Thank you for this great giveaway.
I have just recently gotten into the coupon craze so count me in.
I'm currently looking for a way to organize, so this would be a great help! Thanks for the chance to win.
mommykoala (at) live (dot) com
I have wanted one of these for awhile!! Hope I win!!
I really need to get more orgainzed with my coupons. This would really help!
such a great idea - I might have to find out more about this organizer even if I don't win, but of course, I hope I do ;-)
My coupons are in a stack under my telephone so I could use an organizer. :)
I have a giveaway at my blog as well http://www.queenoftheclick.com
This is too cool. Just what I need. I'm subscribed and I mentioned you on my blog too...
Great giveaway!
I've heard really good things about this product and use lots of coupons-I'd love to win!
Hello! Love your site...browsed a bit and notice you have a lot of great frugal living tips! Since it has a Texas tie-in I went ahead and added a link to my blog (www.texifornia.com). I am a big time coupon clipper so I really hope I win!
Great site. I LOVE this carnival idea! There aer so many smart and wonderful sites I may not have found otherwise. LOVE your giveaway! Great idea!
My coupons are so out of control - i could really use this. I hope I win.
Come visit my giveawy at http://tinyurl.com/bloggygiveaway
OOOOh I just started clipping coupons and this is perfect.
I would love this for my purse!!!!
Thanks Nichole
I really, really need this one LoL! Thanks for the chance to win :)!
meddlingkidd [at]aol.com
I'm definitely a newbie! Thanks! Great idea!
i need this. i loose cupons all the time.
I was just looking at this yesterday...definitely looks great!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win this!
Great giveaway!
I love using coupons. A quick warning though. Be careful about leaving your organizer unattended in the store. I had mine in the front little seat. While I was looking at the meat, someone stole it from my cart. Can you believe that? I was so mad. I had to start all over.
Ok I added you to my blog roll, subscribed, and posted on my blog about your giveaway!
Here is the link:
I need this! my coupons are a mess! We just keep them in an envelope but because they are hard to find so many expire and are not used. :( makes me sad. This would be so helpful!
I so need this. My coupons are stuffed in an envelope and I can't find anything.
i will admitt that i am a newbit with coupon clippings, but i LOVE it!
please count me in!
Oooh, I would love to receive this! Today's economy is driving us to save in lots of ways - I have always coupon'ed, but now it's with a vengence! I typically save $50-75 per week on our order, that adds up! Visit my site and enter the contest for a free Idina Menzel CD and totebag at www.OtterKim.blogspot.com. Thanks for hosting the contest and a great site!
This would be great because I never can keep my coupons organized!!
I'd love this!!! I definitely need a new coupon organizer - mine was lost in my move! kajkbishop@charter.net
Please count me in! I use a my own make-do system and its just difficult....this looks super cool!
Wow! I would love this! Have looked at them!
You are already on my blogroll of course!!
I'm going to link you in my post about give aways too!
Thanks for the chance!
I'd love to win this, my coupons are a mess and I sometimes let them expire because they are not organized. Thanks for the great giveaway!
dsmoore1 at centurytel dot net
This would so come in handy for me, as I just started couponing not to long ago. I would love to win this.
My coupon organizer is being held together by duct tape right now, but I can't remember where I bought it to get a new one! This would be fantastic!!
Can you pick me?? Please, please, please??
I lost my coupon book and have to start all over :( (sad story I know) and now I'm on the look-out for a better system than what I had!
Add me please!
My husband is crazy for coupons - he is excellent at it really! I'm entering just for him!
I would love this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I subscribed to your email.
Great giveaway! It would be nice to have a better coupon organizing system.
I Would love to win! Thanks!
My junky purse would love for me to win this, all my coupons are just stashed in there. Thanks for a chance to win.
I would love this...I took a break from coupons and this would help me get back into the full swing of things :)
Oh, excellent giveaway! Our current coupon organizer doesn't really deserve the name "organizer" at all :-(
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
If there is one thing that needs organizing around our house, it is definitely my coupons. Right now I just shove them all in a white envelope and hope for the best.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
My family loves coupons even though DH and I don't use them. I don't know how I would choose who would get it. It would definitely make a nice holiday gift for someone though!
Great giveaway...I use coupons all the time.
What a great way to stay organized. I would love to be entered.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I could do this..great giveaway!
This would keep all my coupons from getting all smashed up floating around in my purse! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com
I could really be more organized.
I am a coupon slut. This would help me tremendously.
I never go shopping without my coupons. This would be great
I would so use this in place of my current little plastic thingie!
I have needed something new to hold my coupons for a very long time!!!
please email me if I win: jennifer.lleras@gmail.com
I'm just getting into the whole coupon world right now and I'd love to have this. Thanks for the giveaway!
My best friend would love this. Thank you.
urchiken at gmail dot com
great giveaway! I currently have 3 separate coupon holders it would be nice to be able to sort easier!
I just thought about buying a coupon organizer, but I thought it would be crazy to buy one without a coupon (Ha!); so, if I won one, that would be great! Thanks for the chance to win!
I need this- it looks like it would be so useful in helping me to get organized!! Thank you for the giveaway!
This looks like it would help me out! Thanks!
I could really use this. I need to start bringing all my coupons to the grocery store. I usually find a great deal and of course I left that coupon at home. Thank you so much for fantastic giveaway.
This is great. I need to start organizing my coupons.
I need this so badly!
Stop by and enter the giveaways at my blog. There are four!!
This is a cool idea! Thanks for a great giveaway!!!
I would love to have one of these for all my coupons!!
Great Give-a-way!!
i heart coupons! thanks!
What a great giveaway. It would be neat to keep track of the savings, though some weeks would be sparser than others...lol.
My coupon organizer is like a hundred years old. Thank you
I'd love to replace my lameo organizer that is falling apart!
I'd love to win this!
Oh I need this. I have become an avid couponer in recent months. That looks like a great way to organize them.
i have one and I LOVE IT!! i would love to get one for my mother and teach her how to save money!
The couponizer is awesome!
I could use this. My coupons are a jumbled mess. monk5@charter.net
I have been wanting a couponizer since the first time I saw it advertised. To win it would be awesome!
I'm becoming more budget conscious and could use this. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com
Wow! what a great give away.I have recently started using coupons.It would be great to find a more effective way of using them
I have to have this.
This would make couponing so easy. Thanks so much.
We have been missionaries in Mexico for over 5 years and I have drooled over all the coupon savings I read about on blogs. Well pretty soon we will be moving back to the states and I will get to start couponing!! YEAH!! And what a great prize this would be to win! Don't worry, I have a US mailing address.
Newbie coupon-er. so I am trying to learn by myself.
This will be a big help, thank you.
I'd be thrilled to have this. I clip and use coupons frequently, but I don't have a good system for organizing them.
You are in my blog roll, I just found you last week. I'm in Texas too. Thanks! carissasblog at sbcglobal dot net Thanks!
this is much prettier than my shoe box!
Great giveaway!
I'm all about saving money on groceries!
But what would happen to all the crumpled coupons at the bottom of my purse? I'm willing to find out.
I need this so bad, my poor coupons are in an envelope in my purse. Not the best way to keep them organized.
ooh, this would be perfect.
lindsey dot hefner at gmail dot com
I subscribed to your feed.
My current method is simply an envelope (or two). Could certainly use something better.
I just started seriously couponing (is that a word?) and I could really use this!
I could really use this to organize my coupons. The system I have now is not working.
I just got into using coupons, and this would help me stay organized!
I could use this, especially the mat. Thanks,
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Very handy, thanks!
ooh this would be good, my coupon organizer is falling apart
What a great giveaway! This would really help with the grocery budget. Thanks.
thundercloudgirl AT hotmail DOT com
I could really use something to organize my coupons. Thanks for the giveaway.
cool prize!
My purse is full of coupons that need to be organized, LOL;)
I have also added you to my blogroll, thanks!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
This would make using coupons so much easier!
I put my coupons in my purse. It makes it hard to find anything.
My coupons and me need a little organizational help.
I've been shopping for a coupon organizer.
fivewinks (at) cox (dot) net
I desperately need a new coupon organizer, and this one looks great!
I'd like to try this.
gotfire at yahoo dot com
I need this!!
Thank you!
Soooo much better than an envelope!
i have been lusting over the couponizer for a few weeks now. lol.
and i subscribed
and here is my post
so that makes 11 entries. woohoo!
alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com
I have been into using coupons a lot more lately and have saved a bunch. This would be fantastic to help me organize. Thanks for the great giveaway!
the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com
This is a good prize. In today's economy, using coupons is the only way to keep a family fed!
I have been wanting one of these and have just been too darn cheap to buy one.
I am so bad about coupons. An organizer would be so awesome.
All the money I could save would let me shop more :) Yep, I love to shop.
Use coupons all the time and would love to win this awesome looking product! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have always wanted one of these!
I love to coupon and this would be so cool to win! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
This is great! I'm so lost on how to organize my coupon mess! Thanks!
I could definitely use this! I've been so bad about cutting coupons lately because of lack of time. This would certainly help.
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
I blogged about you and linked back to this giveaway post.
Thanks again!
I never seem to get along with any kind of coupon organizers I buy. I always resort back to the old envelope in the purse method. If this can hold my 100+ coupons then I would love to try it.
My coupon holder bit the dust awhile ago so I would love this!
I'm trying to use more coupons so this would help in that effort.
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
This looks like fun! Maybe it would get me using my coupons more often!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Nancy @ Homemade Blessings
I would love to win this!
I get way too excited about coupons; I'm glad to hear I'm not alone! Thanks for the great giveaway and I also subscribed so I can keep up with you.
I would love to win. Thanks! Make sure you stop by my site http://uniquelyyoursbyshay.blogspot.com for a chance to win a Princess Bracelet made by yours truely by 5 today.
Shay T.
My current coupon box could use a makeover. This would be great!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
I could really use this to get my coupons organized.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love using coupons, but I am always so disorganized, so this looks perfect for me! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I'm just starting to use coupons so this would be great for me.
Oh! Yes!
I soooooooooooo need this.
I have been wanting to start couponing but finding a system to even get started has been frustrating! This is wonderful. I also added you to my bloglines.
My coupons are all in an envelope all smashed in the bottom of my purse. This would be great!
i've never done coupons but i would really like to start seems like a great way to save a bit of money
I have added you to my blog list and am subbing to rss feed for extra entries. I'm a little late to blog about it, sorry. Maybe I'll get lucky enough to win and then I can blog. ;-)
In case you didn't know Sunday there will be 4 inserts in the paper, I am buying at least 4. Some good ones for back to school from what I hear- cereals, snacks, lunches.
Also it's been leaked there will be one for free cat treats- I'll give those to my daughter.
Thanks for the giveaway, I am trying to get better about couponing. If you get a chance check out my back to school and $50 Amazon giveaways.
Anything that helps with saving. Thanks! :)
InternationalFreebies.net == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com
I have subscribed via bloglines and added you to my blog roll. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway, I could definitely use this as I am so organizationally challenged!!
This is great! Thanks for the giveaway!
This looks like a great couponing tool.
I subscribed.
carissaad(at)aol dot com
I am an avid, but haphazard couponer. I don't have much of a system.
Congratulations on your first giveaway! My coupon book is with me everyday, in my purse. This would make it much neater!
i use coupons all the time, this would be so helpful for me!
sundaygirl at gmail dot com
I LOVE using coupons. Great giveaway idea!
I could use this!! I keep my coupons in an envelope lol!
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