I am always happy that DH is working, but I suppose I took it for granted. Then today, my 59 year old stepfather was fired without warning from a position he's been in for years. He and my mom were blindside by this and their world is now spinning. I told them to pray. I'll pray. I'll ask others to pray for them. God will bring him the right opportunity if they just have faith. Again, God is good!
So, today I urge you to be thankful for things that you might take for granted. I know that's what I've been doing all day long.
Have A Blessed Evening,
I can appreciate your post. My husband's job is up in the air, and while we are somewhat preparing for a possible layoff - it still isn't easy. I feel bad for your FIL....
I will be in prayer for your step father. My husband just found out today that the job he worked at a few months ago just let the whole department go. I am so thankful God moved us when he did or we would be without a job tonight!
I am praying for your stepfather and mother. May God comforts them and provide for them. Thank God for providing your husband with a job that he loves and is such a good fit. God is really good to answer so many of your prayers. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!
Thank you for sharing this thankful post and the reminder. Often than not we do take things for granted. Keeping your FIL in my prayers.
Bless your thankful heart sweetie.
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