Kenny & Dolly: A Christmas to Remember - I loved the dancing and great songs. My mom taped this off TV onto VHS and we watched it every year until the tape no longer played. I miss it, but have been unable to find a copy to buy.
The Christmas Toy Another great childhood favorite! I wish I had this to share with my kiddos.
Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus This one was great! It features Charles Bronson, Richard Thomas, and Ed Asner
A Smoky Mountain Christmas Another Dolly Parton. Can you tell I grew up around country music? I loved it as a child and my kids loved it when we found it on CMT.
The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story - Oh how I wish I could find a copy of this wonderful movie! I remember watching it with my grandparents. In my opinion it is one of the most beautiful Christmas movies ever made! It features Lee Remick, Angela Lansbury, and Polly Holiday.
The Night They Saved Christmas Another one I'd love to share with my kiddos!
The Christmas Gift John Denver and a great cast! Yet another I loved as a child.
I'll Be Home for Christmas This plays sometimes on Lifetime during the holidays. My mother and I would watch it every Christmas. Great, yet a tear jerker.
I so wish I could find any of those listed above on DVD.
White Christmas I love the classics. When I was about 8 I had the biggest crush on Bing Crosby. Plus, I could watch Vera-Ellen dance for hours on end! The woman was top notch! It's funny that when you grow up watching classic movies, you have no grasp of how old these movies really are.
It's a Wonderful Life Do I really need to explain?
Christmas in Connecticut Fun, fun, fun! The remake's not bad, but this one is better!
3 Godfathers The Duke does Christmas. Truly touching movie.
The Christmas Box Maureen O'Hara, I love her.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever This was a made for TV movie as well, but I have been able to find it on DVD.
Wow! Now I'm all in a holiday mood. I think Ashley and I'll go snuggle up with How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the original of course. So what if it's 102 outside!
I'd love to hear what your favorite holiday flicks are!
It is not Christmas unless I watch all of those clay-mation Christmas movies. I even bought a DVD with a collection on it. You know "Little Drummer Boy", "The Year Without a Santa Claus", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". I just love those the best.
Oh I love those movies! Now I am ready for Christmas. That is my favorite Holiday!
I've just popped over from your comment on my blog (via MPM) - Hi!
I was interested in what you write about Christmas movies - I'm looking forward to introducing my son to some of my favourites too, when the time comes (he's still too small for tv!).
And because I cannot resist a challenge, I had a bit of a surf and did actually find that Kenny and Dolly show on DVD for 9,99, over at (no idea whether this site is any good, but I just thought I'd mention it!).
Have a good week!
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