I'm a Guest Blogger!

06 October 2008
I'm a guest blogger over at Coupon Coup today! Click the banner above to check it out! Jenn's blog is a great frugal resource, so I'm sure you'll love it!


lynette355 said...

sorry i missed coffee today
i sure could have used it
i am dead tired

Mommy Managing said...

I am all about organizing, and I rarely see a tip that's new & different or that I've never seen before--but that tip on organizing your clearnace buys was so fresh & fantastic! Thanks so much!

Aunt Julie said...

Congrats on your Guest Blogger status! Hey, thanks so much for coming by yesterday and participating in my SITS Featured Blogger Day in the Sun! Hope you come back soon and take a look around-hope you'll find lots of interesting stuff around my place!