I am not complaining, just stating facts. And these facts have got me thinking creatively. We starting sharing meals with the neighbors, an out of the box idea for sure, but it helps both families. I've been selling on Ebay and doing more GPT sites to bring in extra money. I pretty much will not pay full price for anything grocery related any more, other than milk and eggs. I cook from scratch. We don't go out to dinner every week, hit the movies, or do much of anything outside the home. And you know what? We are a happy family. We aren't flush with cash, but we are happy.
All of this is what lead me to blogging originally. I knew there were other families like ours out there. Families struggling to make ends meet in these rough times. I wanted to connect with other moms like me. To teach others how to cut costs on groceries, cook from scratch, stretch what they have, etc. To share what was working for our family and what wasn't, to learn from others. To empower those moms who felt beat down by their situation. My goal was to tell all other moms like me that you aren't alone and things can get better. I wanted to make a difference. I hope I have.
One of my coworkers said yesterday that the world will end when the price of milk is greater than the cost of gas.
But he's a little weird.
I remember when everything was easier. We both have good incomes, and still manage to struggle each month. Hang in there!
Yeah, we're in this category too. We made the decision before we got married that I would always stay home to raise our children. This has meant living on an income considered below poverty level for most of our marriage. (Of course I sometimes am shocked by the amount of money/income some people think they NEED just to survive.) But we're happy, we always have enough to eat, and I'm grateful that we avoid materialism for the most part. Anyway, great post! I enjoy your blog.
I know what you mean. When I was working outside of the home, money wasn't as tight...but I am really enjoying my time at home with my girls. We have tightened up our budget and are learning that we can have just as much fun together at home then going out to eat all the time. Besides, my homecookin' rocks! Now if I could just remember to bring all my freshly clipped coupons to the store!
nessa, your doing a good job. Think to all we have compared to growing up. More than is ever needed really. And we are the poor. Your a good helpmate and mom, of course you know your a wonderful neighbor both in person and on line.
It is tough times for a lot of people right now. We certainly live paycheck to paycheck, we can save a little but not enough to really say so. Just enough in case of a small emergency. The idea you have of the family food exchange, is a great idea. You are lucky to have neighbors willing to participate. I could work full time, and we would be better off, but I choose to homeschool my children, and sacrifice some of the other things. Gas is coming down, and that is about the only positive in the economy right now.
I really love your blog... I think us Texas blogging gals should stick together. We are another family trying to live month to month, but I really have started to make a lot of money blogging which has been a nice unexpected extra income. I look forward to continuing to get to know you through your blog.
Just meandered over from SITS.
Great post! We fall smack dab into this category and, being self employed, I don't see it getting any easier in the near future. Not with this economy.
I found you through the SITS blog-a-thon. What a great post! I've been trying to find new ways to be frugal and you are an inspiration!
We're in the same boat down here in South Texas. We both work, but it seems there's always more month than there is paycheck.
I'm very creative with the grocery budget, and I never pay full price for anything else.
It's so great to have other mom bloggers who are in the same situation and who have such great advice and knowledge! What did we do before the internet??
Just the post and comments I needed to read today. Thanks to all. It does help to know that others share in the day to day struggles. I surely don't like living check to check (it really worries me) but the Lord provides and we count it a blessing to have what we do. Blessings to everyone.
You're such a gueniune, dear person and I know you have touched people and helped with what you share!!!
Our blessings do not come in this world!!!
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